Fioks for corporate party, wedding, birthday or children's party - a novelty with a guaranteed WOW effect! The snow-white Fioks are so impressive to absolutely everyone that they immediately want to take a picture with them, touch them, drown in their arms!
Who Fioks are - cute, kind, always friendly smiling snow-white fluffies! Remember how in your childhood you caught little feathers, clamped them in a cam and with bated breath made wishes! So! Fioks - fluffs overgrown, fluffy from your childhood! It was them who protected your sweet dreams, protecting them from the under-bed monsters. And in the afternoon, when you were sad, they laughed and made you laugh, dancing in front of your nose. And here they are again with you! To make your holiday bright, fun, kind, memorable! Only they have grown up, so you are! And this makes it even more fun when the huge Fioks fluffies rush into your holiday! If you were surrounded by Fioks on a holiday - you can safely make a wish! It will come true!
Fioks can meet you right at the entrance, greet all your guests and from the very first second create a festive atmosphere and cheerful mood. Fioks hostesses are a very popular service. You do not need to stand at the entrance and wait for the guests to gather, entrusting this role to cute Fioks.
We offer to order Fioks for a corporate holiday instead of boring girls - hostesses! WOW effect guaranteed! When this sweet creation meets you on the threshold, even the one who came to the feast, to put it mildly, is not in the spirit, will smile! Starting a holiday is necessary only with a good mood, which is called to create snow-white Fioks! They dance beautifully, so it would be appropriate for them to appear on the dance floor during a disco. And here comes the incredible! Fioks so happy with you that they begin to glow with happiness! Literally!
If you are planning a children's holiday and you no longer know how to surprise the little guests, there is a solution! Invite Fioks to children's birthday! You imagine the eyes of a child when his little friends, Fioks, appear from his dreams in reality! Delight! Happiness! Surprise! Joy!
Fiok can be ordered for any holiday! Wherever these fluffy snow-white creatures appear - there will be a festive atmosphere, sincere happiness and good mood everywhere!
Call now! We fly out without delay! Your Fioks for a party in Kiev!